Breaking records: Brainly’s Indian community registers a count of more than 12 million questions answered on the platform till date

Mostly comprising students in the age group of 14-17 years, Indian user-base is the latest to have broken this record on Brainly

Michał Borkowski, Co-founder & CEO, Brainly

National, August 08, 2019: In a record-breaking achievement, the Indian community of Brainly, world’s largest online peer-to-peer academic learning community, registered a stellar count of more than 12 million answers given by the country’s user-base till date. India is one of Brainly’s fastest-growing communities. With factors like a rise in the ownership of smartphones and deeper internet penetration, the country’s shift towards becoming digital has helped its citizens leverage online learning platforms like Brainly for better academic learning.

The Indian user-base has been observed to be predominated by students falling in the age category of 14-17 years and belonging to classes 8th-10th. Among the millions of questions asked and answered till date, Maths, English, and Physics have been three of the most popular subjects respectively, amongst the Indian community. These users are mostly active in the evening from 7 pm-9 pm on weekdays, and from 10 am-12 pm along with 7 pm-9 pm on weekends. This indicates how students in India spend most of their time on school work and academic learning.

Brainly also observed how this rise has not only been a metropolitan phenomenon. While the user-base of the platform is majorly based out of Pune, Mumbai, and Bengaluru, the platform has witnessed users hailing from Tier-II and Tier-III cities growing in significant numbers. Moreover, while Maharashtra, UP, and Delhi are the states and UTs with the most number of users, Bihar has also emerged as a significant contributor. All of this indicates how better availability of internet has been helping a lot of Indian students find solutions to their educational problems on platforms like Brainly, especially in areas where the quality of local education might not be as optimal.

Michał Borkowski, Co-founder & CEO, Brainly
Michał Borkowski, Co-founder & CEO, Brainly

Sharing an insight into this, Michał Borkowski, co-founder & CEO, Brainly remarked, “One of the most significant challenges in the education segment is the absence of constant real-time resources for true academic learning. The quality of local education is not as optimal, and the disoriented nature of the information available on the internet leaves students with next to no reliable source for their impending questions. This is where Brainly comes in the picture, as the platform bridges the gap to address these learning challenges. Owing to its peer-to-peer nature, Brainly provides students with the platform to get all their answers on, thereby driving better understanding. We are proud of our Indian user-base and would like to congratulate them for having broken our record with more than 12 million answers on the platform. Further, we hope to keep serving the role of an additional coach for all these students, addressing all their pressing academic concerns just as effectively.”

With a monthly user-base of over 10 million students, parents, and teachers in India, Brainly has emerged as a premier tool facilitating academic learning in the digital era. Through its peer-to-peer approach, the platform has been enabling students to understand academic concepts pertaining to each subject to their very core. To know more about Brainly, please visit: