Chai Sutta Bar, is a startup by three amazing friends Anand Nayak, Rahul Gothi and Anubhav Dubey. So, it started around one and a half year ago with a very low capital budget.

They started setting up their first outlet in Bhanwar Kuan, Indore then from their outlets have started growing, to be more precised each new outlet of CSB started to establish every 3 months.
First one In Bhawar Kuan, Indore, second in Geeta Bhawan, Indore, Third in Vijay Nagar, Fourth in Ujjain, Fifth and Sixth both in Bhopal, simultaneously and finally they captured the market in the city of dreams “MUMBAI”. They recently started a new outlet in Bhayander, Mumbai. The outlets on an average cover 40,000 footfalls every day.
There is nothing that CSB lacks behind, it has space that gives the customers immense peace, love, fun and what not.
The team of chai sutta bar purposely includes orphans as to improve their financial stability and also the lifestyle. They majorly emphasise on employing orphans at first position if they are capable of handling the work. There are a lot of orphans who finally have found their homes and families at CSB.
Their serving style is quite different from that of the others. They due to hygiene and environment issues use “Kulhads”(earthen cups) which help to maintain hygiene, as are used only once and also they do not pollute the environment.
Due to the high amount of usage of Kulhads, Chai Sutta Bar has also increased the employment ratio of the kulhad artisans.
Earlier, they had only seasonal employment that is at the time of Diwali. But now have got the opportunity of earning on a regular basis. They had a lot of struggle in sending their kids to school, but thanks to CSB for making their condition better.
Chai Sutta Bar’s future plan is to set up a cafe which would only be run by the women. By their work we can clearly say that we surely need more such Startups which help in improving the conditions of the society we exist in.
Their motto includes experience happiness in it, which can be seen by their works.