It is said that ” Healthy Body Leads to Healthy Mind “.
In order to achieve that one needs to be regular on the wellness yoga retreats which offers a schedule to detoxify body along with mind.

Did you know all humans and animals alike naturally detox on a regular basis. It is the natural daily cycle in which our body eliminates the toxins from the food we consume, and the unhealthy atmosphere we’re immersed in. Liver, kidneys, lungs, bowel and skin; they all work together to provide us with an excellent system to get rid of body toxins, through wellness and health retreats which also includes couple retreat as well as yoga retreats.
Yoga Session
In today’s world couple are stressed with the job and home handling, so retreats for couples is the best option to detoxify your body and mind.
So, if we are so capable of cleansing by ourselves, why are detox practices so popular nowadays? Well, even our perfectly designed bodies could use a hand from time to time, and by using these practices we’re facilitating its job.

How to tell if you’re in need of a detox
The mainstream concept of a detox has been related to the consumption of alcohol and junk food. However, everyone needs to detoxify. When we live in Metro Often we see that food is full of toxins and food quality is quite low.

If we go for wellness retreat, then one miraculous addition is introduction of the Sattvica Food. These are provided during yoga retreats.

Apparently, truth is that we cannot grow vegetables but we can go near them in the form of retreats which comprises of rejuvenating mind and body.
One of the key elements in this it Yoga and other stress buster activities.

Detox Lunch or Satvika Food
Still, there could be signs our body gives that tell us that it’s time to take extra care. Reasons why body is crying to detoxify are:
- Constant fatigue or low energy
- Brain fog
- Mood Imbalances
- Anxiety
- Constipation
- Low libido
- Poor quality sleep
- Muscles and joint aches
- Chronic diseases
- Tooth cavities appearing
therefore, if any of these symptoms relate to you, it could be a good time to start thinking about assisting your system, by taking some workload off the detoxifying organs and body as well.
Methods to detox
There is a great variety of cleansing programs to choose from, which vary in intensity and philosophy. However, all of them tend to agree that post detox, maintaining a healthy diet, good sleeping habits and an active lifestyle are important. Most experts recommend easing into a detox by avoiding red meat, caffeine, wheat, alcohol, dairy, sugar and processed foods. Replacing these with organic fruits, vegetables and water is a great start and in itself could be consider as a mild detox.
There are other ideas and concepts of ways to detox, but the factor that we feel many forget to consider is how practical it is in relation to your lifestyle. It’s all fine and well to treat yourself to an energising juice cleanse, but if that means going without food whilst waiting tables, or training for a 10K, the challenge can be unrealistic. The idea is to set yourself realistic goals and this means finding the right type and time scale of detox to suit your needs and levels of discipline. Other interesting detoxes to consider (speak to a health care practitioner first) are the Sugar-free Detox, Kitchari Cleanse , apple cider vinegar detox and Panchakarma.
Benefits of a detox retreat and Yoga Retreats
Once you decide to try a detox on your own, you might still encounter two little issues: the first one, not being surrounded by the right ambiance to start a healthy lifestyle; For example, starting a cleanse over the family Christmas get together may not be the easiest timing. The second one, not counting on the guidance of a specialist and finding yourself not getting the best out of your focus and hard work. The good news is that both can be solved with a detox retreat.

Detoxifying herbs and spices used in our Truly Healthy, Truly Delicious Kitchen

A detox retreat could be a life-changing experience, and not because of the false idea that you can eliminate all toxins accumulated throughout the years in just a few days of holiday, but because it could be a great way to kickstart a healthier life.
At Amayaan , it provides you detoxify wellness retreats and yoga activities which destress your lifestyle from heavy toxins and stressed lifestyle.